My World’s Toughest Mudder Experience – a final 24 hour dance in the desert

My World’s Toughest Mudder Experience – a final 24 hour dance in the desert

I just came back from the US where I competed at World’s Toughest Mudder, a grueling 24 h Obstacle Course Race in the desert outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. I wanted to run this race for a while now, and it was my big challenge for 2017. It was definitely one of the best, but also hardest experiences of my life, and I am beyond happy that I reached my personal goal of 50 miles as well as finishing the full 24 hours. (here you can check out my training plan and gear list)  But let me take you through the full weekend in chronological order. Beware: it is a loooooong post. So if you want to just read about the race scroll down to that section.
