How to get and stay motivated
Vacation in Austria – my favorite hotels
This year our summer holidays will look very different than the years before. With all the COVID-19 restrictions and travel bans in place, we might not be able to go abroad for our vacations. But while we are a little bit sad about it, we are looking forward to...
What I learned from the Coronavirus Pandemic
If you are a frequent reader of my blog or follower on my social media channels you might have noticed that in the last few weeks, I've been quite absent. I didn't write a blogpost in months, and was definitely spending less time on social media. The ugly truth is:...
12 things I learned while running 12 Marathons in a year
In 2018 I ran 12 Marathons for charity. This was by far the most challenging and life changing project I had done up to this point. Besides accumulating lots of awesome finisher t-shirts, medals and memories along the way, I also learned some valuable life lessons...
5 reasons why you need a customized t-shirt for your Marathon
One of the most important items when running a Marathon or Half Marathon is your running shirt. Besides that it should be comfortable, moisture wicking an breathable, it should also represent you and why you are running. It can be a huge psychological factor for your...
Overcoming failure – I missed my Berlin Marathon goal, now what?
In fitness and sports we like to talk about goals and personal bests. But something we do not like to talk about is failure. Somehow the error culture in our modern social media influenced world is non existing. We rather present failure free and perfect lives on...
How to get into a new fitness routine after a move
I've moved cities 5 times in the last 10 years, and it has always been tough and challenging. Even worse, I had to change my fitness routine because all my favorite classes and running routes were no longer available. But I've also learned a lot on how to stay fit...
9 surprising benefits of cold showers and how to make them a habit
Having cold showers every day was one of my new year's resolutions. In the beginning it was definitely hard to have a cold shower, or at least a cold splash at the end of a hot shower every day. But in the end the they were absolute worth it. They also helped me...
How to become a morning person
Until a few months ago I was not a morning person at all. I would get up fairly late (at around 8 a.m.) and be at the office by 9:30. I would work out in my lunch break or in the evenings. But then I changed cities and jobs and working out at lunch time was not an...
Everyday Hero Michael Law: how to run the fastest Marathon dressed as a star
I first met Michael Law in March 2017 when I joined Adidas Runners London in preparation for London Marathon. At this time he was preparing for his Guiness World Record for the fastest Marathon dressed as a star, which he held until January 2018.
Why you should try Obstacle Course Racing (OCR)
If you have been following my blog for a while you probably know that I love Obstacle Course Racing or OCR. Some people might also call it mud runs. I've started doing these runs in 2015 with a short 7km Spartan Sprint and immediately fell in love with it. I since...
Carola alias Aerial Spartan
Marathon Runner, Obstacle Racer, Aerialist, Fitness Enthusiast, Fit Mom
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