Vienna City Marathon review

Vienna City Marathon review

Vienna always had a special place in my heart. Not only did I run my second Half Marathon there, but I also studied in this beautiful city for 7 years and would call it my second home. So when I was looking for a Marathon to run in May for my 12 Marathons in 12 months project , the Vienna City Marathon was of course on the top of my list. And I can tell you, it did not disappoint.

The Vienna City Marathon is the biggest marathon in Austria, offering a Marathon, a Half Marathon and a Marathon Relay on Sunday as well as a 10k on Saturday. The best thing about the Marathon is the half way quitting point. Because the Half Marathon route is just the first 21km of the regular Marathon route all the Marathon runners can stop after 21km and will be counted as Half Marathon finishers, medal included. This year a lot of participants took that option, as it was extremely hot and difficult to run.
