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The eco-friendly baby – tips for a more sustainable family life
Recently the most amazing thing happened to me: I became a Mom to a baby boy. And besides all the endless messages of joy and congratulations one friend also said something that got me thinking: "Having a child is probably the worst thing you can do for the climate...
The best Christmas gifts for new moms, new dads and their babies
Are you looking for some nice Christmas gifts for new moms, new dads and their cute babies? But you are unsure which gift to get? Of course you are tempted to buy super cute baby stuff as a Christmas gift, but will the parents really need it and like it? Or are there...
The best Christmas gifts for runners
Have you ever tried to find a Christmas gift for a running friend? Then you probably know that finding a Christmas gifts for runners is not easy. We runners are very picky. And we probably already have everything we need. (or we think we do) So here is my guide on how...
Baby wearing – why and how you should do it
Baby wearing has been practiced for centuries and is seeing a massive comeback now. This is no surprise, as it has massive benefits. Already before my son was born I was given various tools and accessoiries to wear him, and I can say that I am now a huge fan of baby...
Returning to Marathon running postpartum
As a passionate Marathon runner I was really happy when I got a spot for Chicago Marathon, as it is one of the 6 World Marathon Majors. But then I found out that I was pregnant, and that Chicago Marathon was only 4 months after the due date. I was not sure if I should...
Chicago Marathon – a run through the Windy City
The Bank of America Chicago Marathon is one of the biggest Marathons in the world and also on of the 6 Abbott World Marathon Majors. It was number 4 on my list after London Marathon, Berlin Marathon and NYC Marathon. Chicago Marathon always takes place in October on...
Carola alias Aerial Spartan
Marathon Runner, Obstacle Racer, Aerialist, Fitness Enthusiast, Fit Mom
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